Wir bieten unsere Dienste in folgenden Rechtsbereichen an:
Gesellschaftsrecht, Gründung und Verwaltung von allen Typen der Handelsgesellschaften, Aktiengesellschaft und Gesellschaft mit beschränkter Haftung, Akquisitionen, Fusionen, Joint Ventures
Handelsrecht, alle Typen der Handelsverträge
Verantwortung, Schadenersatz, Haftung
Immobilienrecht, „Greenfield“ und „Brownfield“ Investments
Arbeitsrecht, Streik, Disziplin der Angestellten
Wettbewerbsrecht, legaler und illegaler Wettbewerb
„Due Diligence“ – juristische Untersuchungen
ausländische Investitionen und Staatshilfe
geistiges Eigentum, industrielles Eigentum, Patente, Lizenzen, Urheberrecht
Gerichtsverfahren inklusiv Verfahren bei dem Höchsten Gericht und dem Verfassungsgericht
Bankrottrecht, Konkurs und Umstrukturierung des Schuldners, Kauf des Schuldners Eigentum
internationaler Handel und internationaler Transport
gesicherte Transaktionen, Kreditgewährung
Umweltrecht, Folgen der Umweltverschmutzung
Wertpapierrecht; Aktionen, Obligationen, Wechsel
"Dumping" und "Safeguards", WTO-Recht
Beratungsdienste für Mitglieder der Organe der Gesellschaft- Vorstandmitglieder, Aufsichtsratsmitglieder usw.
„white collar crime“
Zusammen mit unseren Partnern bieten wir auch Dienste auf dem Gebiet des Steuerrechts an.
Our team
About us
Dear visitor,
The main goal of our firm is to provide comprehensive legal service to foreign companies establishing their presence in Slovakia, starting up their operations and administering it, after it is “anchored” in the Slovak “soil”. We are Slovak law firm seated in Košice (metropolis of eastern Slovakia). We have served more than approximately 100 investors active mostly in eastern and central Slovakia and several domestic businesses as well. We specialize in areas of commercial and civil law, company law, real estate, competition law and labor law.
The Slovak legal order has undergone profound changes since the beginning of the 1990’s. The socialist legal order was superseded by several “layers” of the transitory legal regulations. Later those transitory regulations were replaced by legislation resembling legal order of the Western Europe.
We have spent those years of profound legal changes serving foreign investors establishing their presence in Slovakia and, thereafter, doing business in Slovakia and assisting large and medium size Slovak companies going through the intricacies all those changes.
During our carriers we have developed both- the experience required to serve foreign investors, as well as network of collaborators and partners in Slovakia and abroad. Thus we can offer professional services at local, national and international level.
Dear visitor,
The main goal of our firm is to provide comprehensive legal service to foreign companies establishing their presence in Slovakia, starting up their operations and administering it, after it is “anchored” in the Slovak “soil”. We are Slovak law firm seated in Košice (metropolis of eastern Slovakia). We have served more than 100 investors active mostly in eastern and central Slovakia and several domestic businesses as well. We specialize in areas of commercial and civil law, company law, real estate, competition law and labor law.
The Slovak legal order has undergone profound changes since the beginning of the 1990’s. The socialist legal order was superseded by several “layers” of the transitory legal regulations. Later those transitory regulations were replaced by legislation resembling legal order of the Western Europe.
We have spent those years of profound legal changes serving foreign investors establishing their presence in Slovakia and, thereafter, doing business in Slovakia and assisting large and medium size Slovak companies going through the intricacies of all those changes.
During our carriers we have developed both- the experience required to serve foreign investors, as well as network of collaborators and partners in Slovakia and abroad. Thus we can offer professional services at local, national and international level.